" Happiness is the art of making a bouquet of those flowers within reach".
The last of my zinnias bid me a wistful goodbye. Almost threshed by
the wind and the rain, they're a paler version of their more vibrant
siblings, now long dead and gone. And 'long' is the span of a short
summer bloom time. I have truly enjoyed my zinnias, clicked them
from every angle, in all kinds of weather, at different times of the
day.I have used them to liven up the kitchen table, the corridor, the
living room. And they've brought smiles to friends' faces when gifted
by me. They've attracted a large number of butterflies and bees. And
uplifted the soul of my frontyard! Next summer, i'll have them again,
re-creating that same spirit of cheer and joy, in another season of
a riot of colours!
Zinnias are wonderful flowers. They have always been among my favorites;)Which ones were not! They are really good cutflowers too, and you are so right the colours so vibrant and uplifting. Now I plant mostly the miniatures in pots, as my garden has been taken over mostly by perennials.Lovely post.
Thank you for making your bouquet of "flowers within reach" of vistors to your delightful blog. Your Zinnia post has lovely sentiment of gratitude, goodness and rememberance. Here, too is the symoblism of flowers for Zinnias
ZINNIA (MAGENTA)- Lasting Affection
ZINNIA (MIXED)-Thinking(or In Memory)of an Absent Friend
ZINNIA (WHITE) - Goodness
ZINNIA (YELLOW) - Daily Remembrance
Cheers from the Pacific Northwest
So glad you dropped by. With such symbolism attatched to zinnias (i wasn't aware), it'll make even more sense to plant them and gift them. In a way it'll be like reinforcing the significance of the goodness of values through colours. And for gardeners, what could be more delightful....?!!
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