I really thought I'd seen them all, at least for this season.
Dragonflies in many hues have been regular visitors for the
past three months or so. I've photographed most of them too.
But yesterday, as I went to see whether there were any bees or
butterflies waiting for a photo-session, this vision of black
and white landed on the four o'clock plant.(Not the same as
the one in my last post--this four o'clock has dark pink blooms).
Honestly, this is the first time I've seen these colours on a
dragonfly. Googling, I found out that this one is named-----
Neurothemis tulia.
These are the only two shots I got before it flew away. I
hope I get to see it again!
One good thing about dragonflies, or butterflies for that matter,
is that once they get used to your presence, they simply remain
where they are. This red grasshawk (I think!) kept staring at me
as I clicked away. I was so glad I didn't have to zoom while
taking the shots.
Another first time sight! The Trithemis aurora is a pink-bodied
dragonfly and very beautiful. This photo was taken in April.
Discovered this tiny blue one as I was adding manure to the soil.
There are many damselflies in my yard. At times they land on
my arm as I do the weeding but the moment they discover that I
don't belong to the kingdom "Plantae", they quickly fly away!!!
Found a mating pair yesterday. I'm glad that there will be more
of these beautiful insects flying around my garden.
I wish all my blogger friends and visitors- a wonderful Sunday!