Hoping to attract more bees and butterflies, I'm gradually
adding more of bright blooms to my collection. I love the
pattern on this variety of coleus. The line of bromeliads at
the back also has tinges of pink on them!
I once had an adenium but it died. Maybe I should've gone easy
on the watering. A recent post by Eric of I Like Plants had
such a beautiful bloom that I HAD to go and get one from a nursery.
There was only a hint of a bud when I bought it but now it's
blooming. I'll most certainly remember that its other name is Desert
rose and where there's 'desert' there's no water!
I've only recently started adding more euphorbias to my collec-
tion. This colour instantly lifted my spirits!
I made a little bamboo trellis for this pink Ixora. Once the blooms
go I'll prune it. The trellis immediately attracted a carpenter bee
which soon gnawed/drilled a near-perfect round hole on it!
This Ixora is a dwarf variety. The person at the nursery told me
that it'll grow to a height of two ft or so. I'm happy with that but
most of all, the thought of the butterflies that'll come is worth
the wait!!!