Welcome to Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day. Hosted by Carol of
May Dreams Gardens on the 15th of each month, it gives us
a platform to share and see what's blooming in gardens across
the world.
I had posted pictures of the Wingpod Purslane earlier
but the pot hadn't filled up then. From the Portulaca
family again, is the Moss Rose hanging from a basket
tied to a guava tree.
The four o'clocks are going strong. Two colours and Nature's
brushstrokes do full justice.
The Desert Rose that I got from my south Indian holiday
in Dec/Jan has a fresh set of blooms.
A tiny wasp looks appreciatively at the pale blooms of my
Euphorbia milii.
Vinca---looking a little bedraggled after the recent rain.
I did get a 'civilized-looking' lantana from a nursery in
Chennai. The wild ones do not have single-coloured blooms.
I love this yellow and the butterflies do too!!
More blooms coming on this Hydrangea.
Yellow Allamanda.
The blooms of the Caricature plant/Graptophyllum pictum.
I've had this plant for about five years and it's
blooming for the first time.
Cream-coloured hibiscus that I bought from the horticultural
show I'd visited in Feb.
Morning Glory/ Blue Dawn flower I'd uprooted from the
lakeside (in my hometown) back in January.
Peace lilies in several stages of blooming and fading....
The attractive but tiny blooms of Jatropha podagrica.
To see more blooms from across the globe, please visit
May Dreams Gardens. I wish all my visitors and my
blogger friends a very happy GBBD.
Truly beautiful blooms Kanak. I have to say the most unusual is the Caricature bloom. Thank you for sharing part of your garden with us. It's always such a treat to see different plants from all over the world. Wishing you and your family a nice weekend.
That hydrangea has to be my favorite! They are budding here now. The 4'o clocks are barly 4" tall so it is neat to see them in bloom in your garden. Definitely some bold brushstrokes!
Kanak as always I enjoyed these beautiful blooms. I love seeing things I've never seen before. It's always fun to visit here.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Mildred, I was very excited to see the blooms in late April and they're blooming till now. Reading up on this plant I found out that some of the potted ones do not bloom at all. No wonder they took a long time!
Hope you have a lovely weekend too!
Honestly Tina, I've never had hydrangeas blooming as profusely as this! Planning to create more space for them. I'm sure your four o'clocks will be stunning!
Susie, thanks. I do feel exactly the same visiting blogs from places i've only heard of. Always great to have you here.
All the best for the race tomorrow!
You take such clear shots:)
I hope to have lots of purslane in my yard this year, I sprinkled seeds everywhere. Love your hibiscus and morning glory:)
Wow. Lots of great stuff here. Your wingpod purslane is very nice. My purslane is the yellow flowered one. Yours is so much nicer. Your moss rose is exceptional. It's obviously not the portulaca I grow here. The leaves are thinner and the stems are longer. The two-tone flower is simply exceptional.
You Adenium hybrid is beautiful. Mine is just starting to bloom. Lantanas grow well in Bermuda also. Your Allamanda is way ahead of mine (last night it was 65F). That Hibiscus is remarkably nice. Do you keep your Peace Lily potted or in one of your beds? My Jatropha podagrica is also in bloom. There, I'm finished!
Wow - I had no idea Vinca could be pink!
Thanks Carla, I love purslane. I feel the blooms spread a lot of cheer!
Prospero, thanks. I have the yellow ones also and I think they're pretty too. As for the moss rose, they look slightly darker this year but I ain't complaining:) The Peace lilies are outside in partial shade and it seems to suit them fine. I'm so glad you commented on all the blooms!
About the hibiscus, I was told it'd be yellow but look at it now...I'm happy because I don't have that colour. As for the exact name, it's difficult. Most nurseries don't have tags and if the owner doesn't happen to be around we end up 'learning' what we've already guessed.
Queerbychoice, thanks for stopping by. Glad to read your comment.
It's always so fun to see what you have blooming, from the familiar (4 o'clocks, hydrangeas) to the completely exotic (Charicature plant, Jatropha). Plus, you always do such a great job of capturing the wildlife - never seen a wasp like that before! You must step very quietly, the creatures seem comfortable in your presence. Thanks for sharing and Happy Bloom Day!
Beautiful blooms today Kanak! I always enjoy seeing the exotic beauties that are growing in your garden. Some I recognize like the Morning Glory & Lantana. Happy Bloom Day!
Hi Kanak, such beauty! Butterflies are always as good as the flowers to me too. The color on the Jatropha is luscious! Happy GBBD to you as well. :-)
Your flowers are so pretty. I love coming here to see what's in your garden. We're still way behind you.
I think your morning glory is spectacular! And I love the little orange flowers too. Hibs are one of my favourite and I usually go for the lipstick or deep red.
I remember you saying your lantana can take over the garden, but I like them. Over here we grow them in pots.
The hydrangea blooms are so so beautiful! I like the Jatropha too. They look very unique with its shapy leaves.
Looks like the citizens of your garden are carousing! I love the Purslanes and Moss Roses and other Portulaca family members. They're so easy to grow and they treat you with their wonderful blooms in abundance! As you said, the Yellow Lantana does look civilized and wow!
What shall I say? Your garden is soooo cool.
All we could say ....one does not need to go far in search of paradise for it is always near us.....your garden...thank you for sharing your little paradise.
Karen, whenever I see any movement I start praying---oh, please get used to my presence!!! And many times it doesn't take long! Bloom Day is getting to be so exciting...thanks for stopping by.
Racquel, thanks.When I visit gardens in cooler climes (yours and others') I dream of growing clematis, hellebores and peonies!!! It's lovely to see flowers from a different climate.
Thanks Frances. Your amazing photos are still very much on my mind!
Wendy, you're going to catch up very soon:-) I have the red hib too and one is blooming but it's just that I've posted about them more than once.
About lantana--I'm growing them in pots too. The thought--"Weed!" does come to my mind but thinking of the butterflies I decided to add them to my collection.
Stephanie, the jatropha blooms have increased this year. I'd never grown hydrangea before thinking it wouldn't do well here. But I'm happy with the way it has taken off.
Chandramouli, thanks. I only have these two varieties. And oh, the edible variety which I like to add to alu sabzi. I didn't notice lantana growing wild in Tamil Nadu. But here they're everywhere! Which is why the word 'civilized' had to be used:)
Ruby/Arun, thanks a ton. Have been taking more photos of garden wildlife. Will be posting very soon!
What beautiful pictures of both the plants and the insects who visit them. The color of the Jatropha is stunning!
Have a great weekend!
Thanks Aerie-el. Wish you the same too! Hope you have a good week!
The white Euphorbia milii looks great, I also recently bought a white hibiscus much like yours. I also really like the Jatropha podagrica-that was a common plant when i was a child, as was the exact moss rose pictured.
Nicole, I love to see many familiar blooms when I visit your blog. I had taken a photo of hibiscus blooms with the sky as a backdrop too but couldn't think of an appropriate caption. Loved yours...the photo and the caption!
Kanak - wonderful pictures! Can I ask what camera and lens you use? Whenever I see excellent photos I ask. I use a Nikon D70s. My insect pictures don't compare with yours - but I am aspiring to do better.
Thanks and keep posting.
Hi Barbara, welcome! I have never used extra lens till now. I'm using a Sony Optical SteadyShot DSC-T500. It's 10.1 mega-pixels/5x Optical zoom. But soon I'll be graduating to a sophisticated one. I'll let you know.
Thank you so much for stopping by. I'll be visiting you soon.
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