In my heart and in my soul "Ah...Winter..." is the song that's played
over and over again. Our maximum and minimum temps, as of today, are
29* and 13*C. Bliss!!
I caught one of my garden lizards basking in the morning sun and
as I took several shots it only moved a wee bit. Now who wants to
move away from the warmth of a November sun? Especially when the
night has been cold by tropical standards?!
The outermost skin of gladiolus corms...The colours were so pretty
I couldn't resist taking this photograph. I'd taken them out to
plant them on a tray of sandy soil. Now the first leaves have sprouted.
Winter is also the time one can look forward to horticultural shows.
These photos are from February. The shows go on till March. The fruit
and vegetable displays are worth a visit. And to see so many varieties
in one place is an opportunity that one can't miss. On other occasions,
one has to go nursery-hopping to see that many different kinds of plants.
Apart from all the seasonal flowers, there are dry decorations on sale
too. And an amazing display of orchids. I hope I'll be able to share
many more photos later.
Everyone seems to be celebrating the welcome change in the weather.
Picnics, trips to eco-camps and wildlife sanctuaries--it's the best
time for these activities. As December approaches, many will spend
time around a bonfire. And sitting around a fire surrounded by family
or friends, I feel how important it is to keep relationships alive.
Just like stoking that fire without which it'd simply die.
Mr lizard looks very happy in the sun. You have reminded me that I have some Gladioli that I need to dig up and replant somewhere more suitable. Hopefully I will not forget!
Winter looks as great as summertime in India. At least the little lizard surely thinks so! Enjoy the great weather. Tis the season for sure:)
What gorgeous and lovely pictures! And wonderful comnentary!I just love those lizards..what a treat to see!Great post!!
The colors of those bulbs are so pretty! I also love the photos of the lizard! He looks very comfortable! I know you will enjoy seeing the orchids later on - be sure to share with all of us. Blessings to you and your family.
I love the photos especially those of the lizard...I love lizards...and frogs. Thanks for sharing
Wonderful pictures and it sounds the temps are fine now. I know exactly how you feel! I love Glads, even the peel of the corms is pretty. Flower and vegetable shows are a good source to look for new plants and admire old ones. Love the last dried flower bouquet its soft, subtle colours suit everywhere and last a long time.
What a cute garden lizard, he does look to be enjoying the sun.
I've never grown gladiolus', they are really colorful even as corms.
How welcome the cool weather is! The dry flower arrangements are beautiful. I hope you will be able to share some orchid and begonia photos.
Hello Kanak,
Good that your weather is cooling down now. Ours is slowly getting there. We are in a rainy month now and this will continue into December. I am looking forward to your photos of the shows. I am going to try to rekindle with old friends. We get too caught up with our own life that we forget dear friends until it is too late and wished we had made the effort.
Love the way you 'stoke the fire', Kanak :) Always a joy to see life through your beautiful eyes :)
I love the change in weather as well, but sometimes get a little cold as your little friend probably was.
Your photos from the Horticultural show are beautiful. I am looking forward to seeing you post more. I am growing orchids for the first time and am excited to have a few new buds.
Lovely Shots! The garden Lizard looks really good in the 1st picture. Good that winter is coming!!! I'll be visiting my home in India too this December.
EG...I'm glad if my post reminded you of a your gladioli corms! Hope they do well!
Tina...thanks! Looking forward to many events, sooner or later.
Kiki...thank you so much! I thought Mr. Lizard looked really handsome:)
Mildred...oh, I will! The lizard must've heard it over the grapevine that I'm a harmless soul. He seemed at ease in front of the camera:)
Sandi...happy to know this! Thanks!
Trudi...I'd never dug out the corms and re-planted them. So the skin was a first time for me. Amazing how the skin reflects the colour of the flowers too. Glad to know you liked the dry flowers:)
Catherine...thanks for stopping by. Happy to read your comment...about the lizard especially!
Padma..I won't forget! Especially for you!
Helen...the rains must be welcome! At least you're getting some respite from the heat! Would love to post the photos you mentioned. Take care!
Joey...thank you so much!! Enjoy your day!
Noelle.. for the lizard the warmth was more important than getting away from me. I did enjoy the warmth on my back too as I clicked away. I think your winter temps are much, much colder?
Good luck with your orchids!'s to many wonderful pictures from your beautiful state! Thanks for stopping by.
I like sitting around bonfire for a good time and meal :-D But haven't done it for a long long time. Enjoy your Winter!
Beautiful pictures of the lizard. The flowers at the show are beautiful too!
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