The dove that I thought had gone, never to be back (at least not so soon)
had in fact, never left my yard! I found out the other day that it had
simply shifted to the coconut tree nearby. You can imagine how I felt...
it was more of "My heart leaps up when I behold" kind of emotion!

Since these Spotted Doves are commonly seen in most gardens, I thought
it was one of the flying visitors who land, peck, and zoom off into the
horizon. But no, it headed straight into the little niche between trunk
and leaf base.

I had thought of another post but starting November off about a bird
nesting in one of my trees is a good feeling. I'm glad the dove and
her mate found my garden worthy of raising their young. I hope they
continue the tradition year after year, generation after generation.

How sweet. We have doves nest in our back yard, too, and I love them.
It truly is a blessing, Kanak. A very good indication of how the doves, and wildlife view your special garden. What a beautiful creature! :-)
AWww..I am smitten! What a treat!! and what a gift!! Beuaitulf pictures..what a sweet soul! Thankyou for sharing such magical moment! Enjoy your new visitors!!
I agree...it is a blessing and an indication that birds too, know what a love you have for your garden! Thank you for sharing these amazing photos Kanak.
That is a beautiful dove, Kanak. We believe that doves and pigeons like to visit homes that are rich and prosperous. I'm sure you garden is rich, happy and prosperous to the doves too.
I'm glad to see your little dove never left Kanak. She sure seems to be pretty shy. Love her spots. All our doves are just gray.
What a beautiful bird! The photo with the bird peeping is superb! Kanak, you are a great photographer!
Doves... how sweet! Yes, I really hope that you would have this beautiful dove family in your garden forever and forever... Have a blessed day!
Lovely photographs. Havent seen these beautiful spotted doves before Kanak.
Trying to imagine how you must have crept up close to take these photographs. From what distance did you take these photographs?
kanak, so happy to know that the spotted doves have found a comfortable place to nest in your yard :)
Janie, so glad you stopped by...thanks!
Frances, I think I feel it more because there's space for only about six trees here:)
Kiki...faces, whether they're of birds or other animals, can be so endearing! Glad to have you here!
Mildred, when they left the mango tree, I felt a sense of loss...but now it's a joyful feeling.
Autumn Belle, I like to think of it that way too! There must be plenty to gorge on here, and in the neighbourhood.
Susie, they do have the shy, timid look. on the other hand we also have the Asian Pied Starlings who are birds with attitude! They make their presence known!!
Padma, thank you so much for your kind words. Glad to know you liked the photos!
Steph, thanks! I'm praying for that too:)
Sujata, thanks! I stood under the tree which is not very tall...maybe about 16ft. But I used my 20x zoom camera for these pictures. I normally use a 5x zoom for subjects that are nearer/closer to the ground.
Hi Kanak~
How sweet! I love seeing the doves in the garden, they are such a sweet and gentle looking bird. A wonderful blessing for you and your garden. :)
Roxy/Karrita...thanks!:-)I hope they'll always be a part of my yard!
She's beautiful! I can't wait to hear a lot more about her and her lovey dovey...
What a great hiding place for a nest. We have a pair of nesting doves also and are anxious to see where they build their nest this year. Will they return to their old nest or build a new one?
I was just telling my adult son this is the blog of my friend in India, and she invites creatures in her yard, and it has caused her to rethink how she interacts with nature in her yard. And here you go proving my point of honoring nature in all forms!! I understand the good feeling:)
Sandi, thanks for stopping by....loved reading your comment!
Noelle, Exactly what I thought too. They know where to look for the perfect niche!! I hope your doves return...
Carla...thank you so much! How wonderful to hear that! I often tell my sons about all of you from blogland! So lovely to have you stop by...regards to your son...from all of us here:-)
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