November. For today's post, the blooms are from three different
places. To see what's blooming around the world please head over
Katarina's beautiful blog---Roses and Stuff.
From the gardens of Srimanta Sankardev Kalakshetra
November sky reflected on the pool next to Dwarf Mussaenda/
Mussaenda glabra. The entire bush was covered with tiny yellow
blooms and creamy white sepals.
The buds (below), and the blooms of the Powder Puff/
Calliandra haematocephala.
A profusely blooming shrub is the Limestone Ruellia/Ruellia strepens.
Didi's Blooms
Didi is the term we use for an older sister. My husband's sis-in-law
is a keen gardener and these blooms are from her garden. The winter-
flowering plants have been planted and in the next month or so there'll
be plenty of colour. But some blooms that seem to go on and on are....
The pretty and fragrant blooms of the Rangoon Creeper/Quisqualis indica.
From the ground it's trained to climb up to the terrace garden.
Dark pink Bougainvillea brightens up the terrace area.
The Creeping Foxglove/Asystasia gangetica is another prolific bloomer.
I hope to show some more of Didi's blooms in my future posts.
From my yard
Lighting up my rather dull yard are the bright yellow blooms of the
Candle Bush/Senna alata. I didn't plant it. It's a gift from the birds
or the wind. I'll have to transplant it later but the yard is full of
construction material now.
It's a bush that gets about 6 feet tall. The leaves are used in the
treatment of ringworm so it's also known as the Ringworm Shrub.
Yellow blooms of a variety of bean grown in the hilly areas of our
region. Don't you love that yellow?
Hello Kanak, What pretty pics of some very exquisite blooms. That was interesting about the Ringworm Shrub also. We have all different colors of butterfly bushes apparently gifts from the birds!!! I hope you will enjoy the weekend.
Love the pictures Kanak.The Powder puff is so striking.Had no idea the buds looked like that.
One learns everyday.
Blue sky in November and lots of different flowers, that really is something. Do you ever have winther? Here everything has gone to sleep. I which I could, and wake up in april again. Have a nice week end!
The yellow bean flowers is something rare. Is it the Yoor dal?The flowers have lovely colour.I liked the red powderpuff too.
Yellow damsels showing off and everything! Lovely, Kanak (didi sounds so nice!). May I call you didi then? :)
Mildred, I haven't included all the details about the plants. That way the post becomes too long. About the Ringworm Shrub...Because of its anti-fungal properties, the leaves are used in soaps and shampoos. Wow...wish I had a Butterfly Bush as gift from the birds too!!
Sujata....hi! I'd never noticed the buds before but of late I'm spending more time photographing landscapes and blooms around the city. And I'm noticing more...Glad you liked them. They look so tempting, don't they?
Lillebeth, thanks! We mostly have cloudy days now but I was lucky to catch this blue. Our winters are pleasant. Even if it gets cold, the cold is not unbearable.
Padma, no it's not Toor dal. This is a vine like the Long Bean or Lobia. We have it the way we have Rajma or Lobia. The matured beans are usually spread out in the sun on bamboo mats. Under a strong sun, the skin literally opens up and the seeds pop out. Then it becomes easy to sort 'the chaff from the grain'.
Pami...Didi sounds wonderful!! Will get in touch with you soon! Thanks for leaving your comment here!
Lovely pictures as usual. The Calliandra is a show stopper - such a wonderful colour.
Hi Kanak~
Fabulous fall blooms! I like the candlestick blossom, it's so pretty and vibrant.
What lovely flowers and just when those of us who are needing to see such bright colors, you are there! Love them, specially the Nature planted ones!
Kanak that candle bush reminds me of our Candleabra tree. It gets about the same height and has beautiful yellow blooms.
Happy weekend to you!
I love the flower and de buds from the Powder Puff, And I love to see all the flower that blooms in november in yours and the other gardens. Here in Sweden is there almost no flowers left..and its cold out there.. Have a nice weekend/Moa
Hi Kanak!
Lovely, colourful blooming friday flowers!
So different compared with the flowers here in the north!
Have a nice weekend!/
Kanak the Powder Puff is just gorgeous.Well I have never saw Creeping Foxglove. I like it!
So many beautiful exotic-looking flowers, and so different from around here where fall is rapidly drawing to a close. I love the Creeping Foxglove.
I love the Calliandra haematocephala.
I grew one from seed but it turned out to be another Calliandra species (probably C. calothyrsus). It does not form a perfect ball like C. haematocephala.
Hi. It is different in our Lord's garden. So beautiful your flowers are. You have one of our spring flower,tulip flower in your garden. /Margareta
Hello Kanak,
This is so interesting. We also grow Calliandra, Ruellia and Senna - just different species. I always find it so interesting how similar plants can grow in so many different places around the world.
Beautiful photos of beautiful plants.
Yes, I do love yellow! I think it's my favourite colour in the garden. It just brightens everything up!!
Nice flower pics!
Kanak, that candle bush is so lovely :-D Love the bright yellow colour with that shape. I like that powder puff flowers there. They are in excellent condition. I have not seen one here that's in this kind of condition. Thanks for showing!
I like the bright red powder puff. Even the buds look very cute and lovely. The most beautiful your very own yellow flower in the last picture. It is a wonderful creamy yellow colour. Does it have a scent?
EG/Karrita...thank you so much!
Sandi...these surprises are the most beautiful of all. the garden!
Susie...I had to google its name. It grows wild in our area but it's the first time in my yard. The Candleabra tree sounds lovely...I'll check it out.
Moa...I hope I'll be able to show you a lot of colour in the coming months!! Glad you liked the blooms!
Anna...thank you so much!
Lona...I'd never noticed the buds of the Powder Puff earlier. I'm glad blogging has shown me/is showing me the most wonderful things of Mother Nature!
Sweetbay...thank you so much! Very glad to be able to show flowers popularly grown in my part of the world.
Prospero, your knowledge of plants amazes me! Your garden must be a magical place!!
Margareta...tulips aren't grown in our region. I only get to see them on blogs:) Thank you for your comment on these blooms.
Noelle...thank you so much! Another thing is that one discovers the subtle differences in the same species. I just saw one variety of Ruellia on Sweetbay. It's one I haven't seen before. Amazing, really! And I grow Ruellia too.
Wendy...thanks. It does brighten up the garden!
Steph...I had taken a photo of the bush too but it wasn't too clear. Yes, the buds and the blooms looked vibrant in that garden.
Autumn Belle...thanks! The Candle Bush blooms only have a faint scent but not the aromatic kind. It reminds me of the smell of the jungle, the kind that you get when you brush against foliage as you walk past dense thickets.
I love how you include bits of herb lore, Kanak. My favorite pic is of the powder puff plant. The buds remind me of a Beautyberry. You said something about construction material. Are you adding on to the house?
Oh, and if I love that yellow color, yes! Yellow is a lovely color I think, reminds me of the sun and warmth:) Your picture of the powder puff was amazing, never seen such a 'puffy' flower before. Have a great weekend now :)
Do I love yellow?? Oh yes! It is the colour that keeps me going, we have had a golden yellow garden gate for as long as I can remember! I need to see the colour of the is dark and dismal with high winds and driving rain here and try as I might I cannot remain optimistic and cheerful... I think I need to come and live in your beautiful country!!
Your photos are so cheerful and lovely, I love all of them but there is something very special about the first one. I also love all the damsels on your previous post.
Thank you Kanak for adding some much needed light to my (at the moment) rather dreary world :)
What a vibrant palette of blooms Kanak! Beautiful photography too. I love the second and third especially in how you have the triads and the contrast of textures. Lovely. Carol
Such lovely blooms and wonderful photos Kanak! Being able to see blooms from gardens around the world is one of the many delights of blogging.
Sorry I couldn't respond sooner! My internet connection was down and now I'm back to answering and visiting blogs.
W2W...thanks! And yes, we're extending the front portion of the house. The work started in mid-summer but it's taking longer than we thought. Gardening has taken a back seat though not willingly. My pots sit in cluttery clumps all across the yard. It just looks like one big mess! But the thought of looking organized and neat after all the work is over, is something to look forward to!
Mia...thank you so much! I hope I'll be able to post more in the coming months!'re most welcome!! Within India, we hear of people who live in the hills (of a certain elevation where the elements are kinder) for the summer and when it gets chilly, they come down to the plains. I've always thought it was a unique lifestyle.
I think I need to thank our winter for being so pleasant. People are already out celebrating it! Picnics, trips to the riverside and wildlife sanctuaries. Most sanctuaries open in this month and remain so till early summer.
I'm so touched by your comment, Jan. I hope to cheer you up in the coming months! Thank you for going through my older post. And your yellow garden gate sounds lovely!
Till the next bloom post then! happy to read your words! Glad to hear your perspective on thise photos!
Have a great week!
Linda...that's the beauty of it all! Thank you so much!
A lovely November parade of color, Kanak. So many unusual plants I've never seen ... I especially love your November sky reflection on the pool photo ... simply beautiful.
Joey...loved reading your comment!! Thanks!
Hi Kanak,
I am so happy to finally see another Indian blog as regards gardening. There should be more people doing what you're doing. Brilliant pictures. I lived in Assam for a year, but as a child.
Your world is beautiful.
I,m not only enjoying your blog, but also learning a lot from it. Love the Rangoon Creeper, as a lot of my memories are attached with it.
Kanak, your photos are lovely! and the November sky reflected on the pool is absolutely stunning. so peaceful.
Zazu/Birdy/Di...loved reading your words! Thanks for stopping by.
hey i have it too and i dont know where it came from either.. lovely color nevertheless..
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