Welcome to Blooming Friday! This week I'm posting photos of many of
the blooms that I saw on the roadside. All the photos were taken
on my recent trip to the neighbouring state of Meghalaya--a place
so rich in flora that I only had to get off the car, and click
To see what's blooming around the world please visit Katarina at
I'd never seen Cosmos growing in the wild. But there were several
clumps scattered along the route. What a sight it was, especially,
to see them growing on the hillsides! I even came across a Butterfly
Bush. This is the paler version of the ones we see on Blotanical.
You can see them below...photos 7 & 8.
I hope you enjoy going through the blooms as much as I enjoyed
photographing them. I haven't labelled them all (still at it...trying
to find the right names). The third is Lantana, much brighter than the
ones we find here. The yellow ones in the sixth picture could be Marsh
Marigold. And the purple blooms in the 9th picture is the Himalayan
Melastome. Enjoy!
Beautiful Kanak, so many gorgeous blooms. I love the mountain too! I'm actually crazy about mountains and views :-)
Take care/ Tyra
Nice! I've never seen Cosmos in the wild before...
Those wild cosmos and lantana really pretty! Glad to know that the climate is moderate. I am sure you have had a good holiday. Oh I hope you like the food there as well. Have a great weekend!
Amazing views Kanak. That must have been exciting to see all those flowers in that setting with the grand mountain views. Thank you for sharing and I hope you'll post more when you have a chance to identify them.
Hi Kanak, thanks for showing us the wildlings along the roadside, it must have been a thoroughly enjoyable trip with views like that! I love the mountain as backdrop for the photos, well done! :-)
Wow Kanak, beautiful flowers in beautiful countryside. What a great little trip you had. Thanks for the pictures.
What a view, Kanak!
By the way, Do you grow pink cosmos at home?
I see these pink ones for the first one in India. Maybe, I just didn't notice them in the wild before.
I'm a little tired of the yellow and orange ones.
Such gorgeous flowers! I guess you had a fun time getting down to take these pics. Who was driving the car by the way? ;)
Tyra, thanks. I really didn't expect to find so many blooms!
Andre, that's the only time for me too....
Steph, I've included the lantana in many of my posts but I've included this because the colours were so vivid! Food was just ok. Somehow, I wasn't keen on food...the sights filled me up:-)
Mildred, the best part was that I didn't have to go looking, or climb steep hills for the shots! It was wonderful having it so easy!
Frances, maybe I wouldn't have got the idea but nature herself made the 'sets' all ready:-) Glad to read what you've written. Thanks!
Flower Lady, so happy you liked them!!
Urban Green, I grew some pink ones last year and they're pretty common around these parts. There are darker and paler versions too. I think you'll see cosmos in the wild only in Meghalaya:)
Chaitra, my husband was at the wheel. Amidst such beautiful surroundings, he didn't mind at all!! For once!! LOL!
Hey Kanak, I've never seen cosmos or a butterfly bush growing in the wild.
You captured some beautiful pics here. Love the next to the last with the mountains in the background. So nice.
Have a great weekend!
I love love love cosmos..your photos are spectacular! Love the lantana too! Wonderful post! Great photos!
Kanak you were in a garden's heaven! Have never seen pink cosmos growing wild and the butterfly bush as well. What a sight to behold! That one with the pink hibiscus like flowers along the stem looks like a mallow/hollyhock to me. It is pulling at my heart strings. Keep em coming!
Just found the name of the pink flowering plant it is called urena lobata or know as Caesarweed. It apparently grows here on the island but have never seen it.
What beautiful wild flowers you have there Kanak. I love Cosmos but they would never grow wild here. I thought the last but one photo with the mountains in the background was lovely.
I see I have missed two of your great posts :( I loved the colours of the Canna on the last post and the peek into people's gardens! Also the views and the dog on the post before.
Have a great weekend Kanak :)
I can well understand you enjoyed photografing all these flowers, they are beautiful. The sixth one, the yellow reminds me of a small perannial I have in garden..
All those by the roadside - how amazing. Interesting to see the Cosmos in the wild. Sometimes you forget some flowers have a natural habitat!
Great sequence of shots. I´ve never seen cosmos in the wild!
Wild cosmos! Very nice. Lantana plants (and domesticated cosmos) are seen frequently in Bermuda. Your countryside sure is beautiful.
What beautiful flowers you have. I especially like the Lantana and Cosmos.
Now doesn't that just take it. Cosmos growing in the wild and I cannot even get them to grow at all for me. ;-) How pretty.
Beautiful pictures of the flowers with the beautiful valley beyond.
Please forgive me if this comment appears twice. Blogger and I are having our differences today ;-)
Beautiful flowers! And what a splendid view!
The cosmos looks so nice. And I love your photos with the mountains as background. It's great to see your native countryside.
Kanak... It is so lovely to see your blooms and especially I too love the mountains in the background. Now that is a real mountainous region. To Cosmos growing along the roadside ... what a treat! I know it self sows so someone must have planted it along the way or it escaped Via a bird perhaps. It is just great to be able to see what grows wild in your world. Butterfly bush too... Beautiful shots. Have a good weekend. Carol
They're all beautiful shots, Kanak, but the one of the white flower is especially striking. Is it some kind of aster?
Susie, it sure was a treat seeing what's usually cultivated within the confines of a garden!
Wish you a great weekend too!
Hi Kiki, thank you so much for stopping by. I'll 'see' you again, soon!
Helen, thank you so much!! You're a sweetheart! Wow...I'll always remember Caesar's Weed/urena
lobata. Invasive species...checked out after getting the name from you. Thanks once again.
Jan, I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw them too. At first I thought they'd spread from people's homes and grew in those clumps only. But as we kept going there were clumps all across the hills and edge of roads. They must've escaped years ago and the birds/wind must've helped a great deal!!
Thank you for going through my older posts too. And for your kind words about them.
Mia, I went berserk;) Glad you liked the shots!
Easygardener, even the elements are kind enough so that they survive and flourish, year after year!
Randi, thank you so much! It's the first time for me too!!
Prospero, thank you so much!!
azplantlady, the lantana was the most vibrant! Thanks for stopping by.
Lona, it worked out fine! I understand about Blogger...LOL! Glad to read your comment.
Sweetbay, thank you so much!
Mary Delle, so happy to read your words...it's been a real pleasure to be able to show some parts of the region that I live in.
Carol, before this trip I'd only seen the Butterfly bush on blogs. It's not a common plant in people's gardens here. But seeing it on the roadside made me realize about its invasive nature... As for the cosmos, it made me think and think. On your lines too...escape, the birds....but it was a wonder to see them and I'm still thinking about the possibilities of that escape into the wild:)
W2W, thanks. I thought about it being a kind of Hogweed but I'm not too sure. Still trying to find out...this might take some time.
Fantastic to see all these flowers in the wild. And Cosmos - I just love it there on the side of the road. Have a nice week end!
What beautiful photos from the mountains. The flowers are similar to our summer flowers. Margareta
Hi Kanak! It has been a while since I last visited... too many projects occurring here. ;) I need to catch up.
Is it not amazing the flowers that grow in the wild and along side of roads, unattended, and yet survive?
The heavily serrated leaf of the yellow flower could be Cinquefoil; since we have so much fall and winter rain, Marsh Marigolds are dominant in this area, but the leaf is more kidney shaped. And the Buddleia self-seed everywhere on our hillside... but the Swallowtail butterflies do love it.
Oops, forgot: the lavender flower and leaf look like Tibouchina
Kanak, as always, you show such lovely flowers - and the last two pictures with the mountains in the background are awesome!
Di...thank you so much for telling me. I did check out several sites but you know how it is when you see a bloom for the first time...! Googling brings out so many similar-looking plants and I think...is THIS the one? You're right about the Cinquefoil. And thanks for mentioning the shape of the leaves too.
About the Tibouchina, I'm not too sure...Thanks once again. Your property with all those plants must be spectacular! The Butterfly Bush, especially. I'd never seen them in the wild before.
Katarina, thanks a ton!!! Have a great day!
Lovely! I always enjoy close ups and wider views.
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